

The Dutch have a rather droll expression for the sudden unexpected appearance of good fortune. “You really fell with your nose in the butter!” they’ll exclaim, describing also the delight of owning a hand-powered butter churn from Churncraft.

Winner of a prestigious Red Dot Award for product design, this sturdy glass churn is artfully crafted for optimal churning.The graceful arm with its polished wooden handle twirls a paddle within the jar that thickens the cream with compressed air.

Just keep on churning well beyond the ever-seductive whipped-creamed stage.

You will at last arrive at the rich and rarefied butter-cluster stage. Now simply use a wooden spoon or one of the handy wooden paddles included with the churn to press the clustered mass of thickened fats into a colander.

The protein-rich liquid or whey that you extrude, can now be cultured into buttermilk, or used in order to add flavor, body, and protein to baked goods.

Fresh-churned buttermilk ls not only far more flavorful than the store-bought variety, it also is sweeter, less acidic, and has a slightly thinner consistency. 

No culinary feat can match the mysterious delight of producing rich, thickly textured butter from fresh farm-sourced organic cream.